Import Frame Instruction
- Select “Eye Wear Masters”
- Then select the “Frame”.
- Click on the “Import”
- Download “Sample File”
Open “Sample File”
The example of file:-
- Instruction of all headers
BarCode/QR Code: - If you want to input "BarCode/QR Code" it has to be unique or if you leave that column blank than the system generates "BarCode/QR Code" by its own.
Title: - If you want to add title it has to be unique every time from each other or the system will generate Title using “Model No., Brand and Brand Code”.
Model No., Brand and Brand Code: - These three options are mandatory to fill if you don’t fill up the “Title” column.
Frame Type, Frame Type Code: - This option is not mandatory. If you are filling up the “Frame Type” then it’s mandatory to fill up the “Frame Type Code” option.
Shape, Shape Code: - This option is not mandatory. If you are fill up the “shape” then it’s mandatory to fill up the “shape code” option.
Size: - This option is not mandatory to fill up.
Material, Material Code: - This option is not mandatory. If you are fill up the Material then it’s mandatory to fill up the material code option.
Color, Color Code: - This option is not mandatory. If you are fill up the color then it’s mandatory to fill up the color code option.
M.R.P, Ret Price, Pur. Cost, Stock: - This option is not mandatory. If you don’t fill these options and leave them blank then the system takes it as a “0” and this three options don’t allowed any kind of special characters except “.”
- Browse the file
Select “Tax” and import the data.